
Best fruits for summer

I was wondering what fruit to eat this summer. Who is on my mind? I am talking about those fruits which are best in summer. We know that fruits in winter have a very limited amount in nature, and only a few fruits are in fruits in summers. Those fruits that are equally good in summer are mangoes, grapes, and apples; some fruits are better in summer. Those fruits are best in summer. Why is it so? It is because those fruits are cultivated well in spring and summer. But then, why are mangoes, apples, and guavas on my mind for this summer? Those are fruits sold in the local market, not from the farms. Of course, fruits like strawberries and papaya are grown on farms. But fruits like guava and apples are consumed by the farmer. So, I think those fruits would be the best in summer. So, here is the list of fruits. Best fruits for summer for which I would personally go to the farmer’s market this summer are: Guava  The best fruits for summer for which I would go to the farmer’s market th

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